Restorative Dentistry
in Brownsburg, IN

While we do our best to help patients maintain a healthy, natural smile, that may not always be the case. From a tooth that is badly infected or a cracked tooth from biting into something hard, our team at Bolt Family Dental is here to help. At Bolt Family Dental, we have the expertise and equipment to bring your best smile back to life with restorative dentistry! Contact us today to learn more about our restorative dentistry services in Brownsburg, IN.

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What is
restorative dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is a branch of dentistry focused on diagnosing and treating oral health issues. Most of the time, these oral health issues include damaged or missing teeth and their supporting structures. Restorative dentistry not only helps a patient improve their oral health and function but also the aesthetic of their teeth to smile once again!

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Our Restorative Dental

No matter where you are in your oral health journey, our restorative dentistry services in Brownsburg can help! If you suspect you need a restorative dentistry treatment, our Brownsburg dentist will assess your situation thoroughly before recommending one of the following:

  • Tooth-Colored Dental Fillings
  • Laser Gum Treatment
  • Traditional Crowns & Bridges
  • Full & Partial Dentures
  • Dental Implants
  • Oral Surgery

How do I know I need a restorative dentistry treatment?

Tooth pain, sensitivity, difficulty chewing, visible damage, or constant discomfort can signal something is going on with your oral health. In many cases, these symptoms are a sign of tooth decay, a broken or chipped tooth, or gum disease. At Bolt Family Dental, we encourage patients to attend regular dental check-ups to address these issues early on. However, if one of these symptoms leads to restorative dentistry treatment, we will work with you to select the appropriate treatment to restore the function and aesthetics of your smile.

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